New Corona Package to support the German Exhibition Industry Network

Emergency relief from government supports the self-employed and small businesses
AUMA’s managing director Holtmeier: trade fairs will play a crucial role after the coronavirus crisis
The German government has agreed upon an emergency relief programme that shall reduce the Corona-induced economic consequences for freelancers and small businesses. They will be able to receive financial benefits directly.
AUMA – Association of the German Trade Fair Industry welcomes this programme, which will assist numerous players of the trade fair industry: small organisers with one or two trade fairs annually, specialist service providers like those working in creative jobs, skilled crafts and trades or freelance contractors. Additionally, event and conference organisers or small catering companies will benefit, too.
Jörn Holtmeier, managing director of AUMA, explains: “Trade fairs are complex eco-systems, which only work if many partners of different sizes are cooperating. If, after the coronavirus crisis, the economy shall get started again, platforms like trade fairs will become necessary in order to rebuild trust and strengthen business relationships through personal contact. Therefore the trade fair industry will need all partners again – with their usual quality and creativeness. In order to maintain this network of partners the programme for small businesses arrives just in time.”
The expenses of trade fair exhibitors and visitors in Germany result in macroeconomic production effects of more than 28 billion Euro, according to a survey by the ifo-Institut on behalf of AUMA. A new evaluation by AUMA shows that numerous postponements and cancellations of trade fairs will cost the German economy approximately 5.5 billion Euro. 45,000 jobs could possibly be affected.
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