“Power of One” – Key Solution to Thailand’s Exhibition Industry Development amid COVID Challenges

Thailand’s state and private sectors have been proactively joining forces as the “Power of One” to tackle new challenges from the global pandemic. Thai government’s stringent hygiene and safety measures, nationwide vaccination centers as well as strong fighting spirits among medical professionals, businesses and public volunteers are clearly witnessed as a positive energy promoting confidence towards the country.
From the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration, vaccination has started since March 2021, and is on-going with more vaccine imports. Currently, it expects 6 million doses of Sinovac within this May, while 10 million doses of AstraZeneca will come monthly from June until December. Besides, it will buy extra 30 million doses of Pfizer to reach 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines by this year-end, as planned.
The business sector also plays a supporting role in the government’s scheme. Many exhibition venues have transformed their halls for medical use. For example, a big exhibition center offers 100,000 sq.m. of space as a field hospital, a regional convention hall donates 500 beds, a downtown hall makes itself an optional vaccine center, etc.
Economy wise, Thai exports bounced back with 8.47%, achieving USD 24.22 billion in March 2021. Meanwhile, the Board of Investment has announced the foreign direct investment during Q1 of 191 projects worth approximately USD 2 billion, which is 143% increase YoY. Out of those projects, 126 are under 12 S-curve-focused industries of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project: Digital, Medical Services, Petroleum and chemical, Smart electronics, Automotive and parts, Food processing, etc., accounting around USD 1.7 billion.
In parallel, Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) has continuously taken intensive steps to drive exhibition industry by maintaining our COVID Package which includes both financial and non-financial support, as part of our Recovery Program since mid-June 2020. Particularly, we have launched our “ExtraBiz” campaign for existing shows in Bangkok and/or EEC with an aim to facilitate their show portfolio readjustment. Currently, 42 shows in 12 S- curve sectors confirm to be organized this year, with social and economic impacts exceeding USD 650 million.
Moreover, we are introducing skill development opportunities through the “Incubation Program,” a platform for industry professionals to upskill, reskill and leverage themselves with new knowledge and practices in preparation to the coming business opportunities at international exhibitions. As well, our “Exhibition Clinic Service” provides online/offline meeting service arrangements for Thai exhibition stakeholders with EU and Asia potential organizations during travel restrictions.
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